February 1, 2012

Day 72

The Happy: Hair Shine
I'm poor, and tonight I was pissy because my hair looked dull, so I googled home remedies for shinier hair and found out that if you mix 1/2 a cup of apple cider vinegar with 4 cups of water and let your hair soak in it for a good while (at least 15 minutes, they say), then rinse it out, your hair looks exactly the same.  But we can just pretend it looks better because I sat like that for half an hour.  My hair's a tiny bit softer though (sure it is...), and the vinegar removed a lot of residue from my products (that part's actually true).  I know this, because there was this disgusting white film sitting at the top of the canister after I soaked my hair in it.

Eggs don't really work either, but if you think you're the exception to the rule (and I always do no matter what the rule is), just don't wash it out with hot water.  I had scrambled eggs in my hair for 2 days.

To end the night, I enjoyed one of my guilty pleasures.  You so don't need to know this about me, but I hate wearing clothes.  So tonight, I put them in their natural habitat (my bedroom floor. just kidding, they're in the dresser) (fine, they're on my floor), wrapped myself in my was-going-to-be-cousin-Zack's-Christmas-blanket-that-I-made-for-him-but-am-now-keeping, and sat on our pleather couch.  The best part was the knock on our door - Mormon Missionaries.  I straight up had a conversation with two 19-year-old missionaries, naked.  Wrapped up, but naked.  That would happen to me.

Love, Happy Girl

*Other guilty pleasure, and this one's wack: showering in the dark.  But usually I have Touchy Feely (iPod) on a Moulin Rouge or John Mayer shuffle, so she glows a little for me.  Someday my future hubby will join me in my lights-off-showers.  Grossssssss.  Sorry mom...


Kate Magleby said...

I about wet my pants reading this. You are hilarious!

Nikki said...

This is the best thing EVER. Seriously just when I think you've surprised me enough, you do it again. You go, Glen Coco.

Lauren Guinn said...

Use mayonnaise as conditioner. I did it in high school

Lauren Guinn said...

Use mayonnaise next time

Happy Girl said...

I've heard that's good! But I can't bring myself to buy mayo haha