March 27, 2012

Day 124

The Happy: Birthday Party for Sav

My niece turned 1 on Saturday!  This isn't my niece, this is my best friend Lauren.  But my pictures didn't really turn out so...
That's what I get for being too cheap to buy a nicer camera.
Regardless, the cake was fab.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 123

The Happy: Hunger Games

I declared Friday a no-school day, hence a three day weekend.
Spent all Friday morning with Blair at Urban Outfitters, followed by some movie magic with Crystal.  We didn't even get to sit together it was so crowded.
Such an emotional movie for my fellow viewers.  I loved the tears and sniffles going off in unison.
Team Gale.  He's a man. Peeta's not.  Bottom line.
Join my rally next week against $5.75 small popcorns at the cinema.

Love, Happy Girl

March 26, 2012

Day 122

The Happy: My Shirt
This is what the shirt I'm making for class looks like.  The only difference is it's for a man, and isn't a dress.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 121

The Happy: Excessively Formal Computer Technicians

My computer broke last week (hence I never update this thing) and in the process of making arrangements for a repair, I spoke via chat with a tech rep.  His name was Francis Xavier, the only name I hear less frequently than my own.  The dialogue was painfully robotic on his part.  A seething awkward.  It ended with "have a blessed night, Juliet."  A man of lovely words, had I not known I was on the Acer chat website, I would have been sure this perfectly-versed being was a resurrected Shakespeare taking over the dirty world of customer service.

Love, Happy Girl

March 21, 2012

Day 120

The Happy: I'm getting blessed up the wazoo man!

The Lord is testing my patience every day, but not one incident has been left unresolved, and I've managed to stay level-headed throughout every instance.  He's blessing me like crazy.  Witnessing myself be patient is as shocking as a first-time earthquake to a native East Coaster.  I remember last year's 5.8 quake.  The ensuing Facebook statuses were phenomenal, with "books fell down" being among my favorite.  I laughed because they were serious.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 119

The Happy: I got a compliment.

The Media Center on campus has a "take a compliment" bowl with strips of paper in it.  I grabbed one for myself and Brandon, my peer (my brutally attractive peer that was studying next to me).
I'll probably never meet him again - I knew that.  I still thought he deserved a compliment.  
He was dead handsome, from Bountiful, worked at his cousin's longboard shop, and had a mohawk.

Brandon's compliment: "You dazzle those with whom you come in contact."

My compliment: "You have nice sideburns."
Yes I do.

It was nice meeting ya Brandon.  I forgive you for being utterly uninterested in the fact that I was interested in you, because you were just that gorgeous.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 118

The Happy: Sunday Funday with the Handsomes

Britton and I decided to hold a lover-seek-and-find party on Sunday at my place, meaning I provide the pretty girls, he provides the cute boys, we eat pizza and brownies, and all fall in love with each other.  So Provo.
At the very least, we had a grand time.
I brought Kate, Emmy, and Alyssa.  He brought himself, Nick, and Rico.
It was perfect.
We played with Crayola Color Switchers.

Love, Happy Girl

March 19, 2012

Day 117

The Happy: Sweet Saturdays
Haha oh goodness. This is from Friday - Stal and I pulled a full on dress up sesh - but I went back to her house Saturday to see Savannah.  Katers and I enjoyed ourselves a phenomenal Saturday night.  We went to the grocery store to get Cheetos, went longboarding, and then went to the grocery store to get Cheetos (again).  It was a divine night.  "Tonight was a great day."

The cure to a really bad headache: 2 Bayer Extra Strength Pills,
 One Diet Coke (caffeinated), Strawberry Mint Greek yogurt, fresh air.

Love, Happy Girl

March 16, 2012

Day 116

The Happy: Woke up on my own after 3 hours of sleep, didn't have a massive headache, beat all my alarms.
(I really had a lot to do...otherwise, I'd be ticked)

Check out my platinum blonde and side swept bangs, and then ask me if I live in Utah...And no i didn't cut my hair to my chin. A few people were asking me. It's just pulled back. That'd be fun though.

HA another alarm just went off and I'm like NO! YOU'RE WRONG.
Victory dance insane party in my room.

Love, Happy Girl

March 15, 2012

Day 115

The Happy: Cookies from Coll
Colleen Barlow is one of my mama's besties and the DaVinci of cakes and cookies. I even asked her (joking, of course) if she could make some with Christiano Ronaldo's face and abs all over them.
She told me Tuesday about the St. Patrick's Day cookies she was sending to help me
celebrate properly.  The package came yesterday evening.

And I just about died.

Thank you Coll! I love you and I LOVE these!
Best package ever.

Love, Happy Girl

Per his request, here's a blog shout out to one of my best friends, Mini-Van Monsta.  Our friendship is actually pending because he's revolted that I blog.  I didn't realize how stupid I sound until he started reciting it last night...
"blah, blah, blah, I'm so cute and I wear stripes and pearls, blah blah blah, Love, Happy Girl. Wow, I can think of 3 people that give a ****"  (dripping with sarcasm).  You're hilarious, luh you M.

March 14, 2012

Day 114

The Happy: I've accepted that fact that #1) I will never, ever be as fit as I was in high school & #2) That's okay.  I don't care.  Well I do, but not too much.


Other People:


Have a wonderful day, my friends.  I'll be floating around in stripes, pearls, and hairspray.

I wear perfume to keep the boys coming.  My 300 lb necklace would otherwise be sure to repel them.

Love, Happy Girl

P.S. If the next person that reads this could call me, that would be simply spiffing.  I've seemed to have lost my phone. Also, sugar on cereal is an amazing breakfast.  Not as good as the two mint brownies Parker bought me the other day for lunch, but still amazing.

March 13, 2012

Day 113

The Happy: Decisions are made, I'm staying in Utah
I just decided not to live in NYC this Fall. I really wanted to, and I'm still planning on doing something NY-related this Summer as well as returning back east for Spring, but I think Utah is where I need to be come September.  Roommate: Alyssa Thueson.  Place: Old Academy, third year in a row.  Signed.

Don't hate on the saucy one-eyed cross.

Love, Happy Girl

March 12, 2012

Day 112

The Happy: Suffers from TSAC
Thinks she's a cowgirl.
Utah air is reaching its highest potential; these breezy 60s are thrilling me.
The twins are definitely coming out.

Love, Ragazza Felice

March 11, 2012

Day 111

The Happy: Longboarding with Kate and Jordan
Finally an excuse to whip out the old reds.  I remember I used to hate Vans sneakers just because they said vans on them, and I grew up with a mini-van. In retrospect, that van was very good to us, and I consider it an old friend - one that I just happen to not want to see again.  Ever.

FACT: An old person driving a Jeep is a grand site.  Like, poster worthy.

Also, when I can't find my eye liner, I use a sharpie.  I googled "is it bad to use a sharpie as an eyeliner" because the one in a million chance that it had to be safe meant that there was still a chance.  As expected, the return made for a whole mass of severely negative responses.  I left pretending I just didn't read them.

Love, Happy Girl

Emmy I'm sorry we took your board without asking, you were sleeping and we didn't want to wake you!  IT WAS AWESOME.

March 10, 2012

Day 110

The Happy: Sammamish people are hilarious

Four hours in the business building...yea I got a lot of homework done.  Not.  


Love, Happy Girl

March 9, 2012

Day 109


This is the sweatshirt I sewed for class that I got a C on yesterday.
I actually deserved it.  The pockets look like crap and I didn't even bother to edge finish half the seams.
Notice the hoody strings.  I was wearing my cousin's sweatshirt as I was assembling this one and realized I didn't have anything to go through the hood buttonholes, so I pulled out the string from Zack's, put it in this, and turned it in.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 108

The Happy: Iggy's with Marissa and Jon

After tests were taken and all that jazz, I got hungry, so I begged Fish to eat toast with me for dinner because I needed human interaction, but he decided we should go to Iggy's instead.  We shared a coupon because we're cheap.  Marissa is a dime and covered the tip.
The three of us decided we like us having dinner together and want to do more of it, so you'll probably see some of their pretty faces on here.
I remain unembarrassed to ask any waitress if I can have more bread in addition to the bread she is already setting at our table.  My aloha burger was the kick butt, but next time I'm bringing my own cheese so I don't have to pay an extra dollar for one slice.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 107

The Happy: I started training
I'm not doing an actual half marathon.  I just want to be able to say that I can.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 106

The Happy: Rio with Sav and Crystal
I wasn't feeling too hot Tuesday, so I went to Crystal's to go relax a little.  Sav was adorable when she woke up, she always smiles, I want a baby so bad, but just for a few days.  Then I'll give it back.  I'm thrilled, I found a girl to buy my contract for Spring and Summer while I'm home in D.C., meaning I'll be homeless 4 days, so Crystal is gonna let me stay.  I get to wake up to this little cheek munch every morning.

We crashed on the bed, we looked at blogs, she taught me how to do my hair, and then we went to Cafe Rio.  I started feeling nauseous so I skipped class.  Later events manifested the truth of this nausea.  Gross.  I hate when you throw up and you know exactly what it is that is coming out.  TMI TMI TMI.
But you know how you can't eat somewhere after you've thrown up from it?  Cafe Rio's not one of those places.  Another testimony to their greatness.

But the happy was seeing my girls.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 105

The Happy: JON JON
Jon's my new friend that I was supposed to date.  We decided after a week of trying to make ourselves like each other that we just weren't up to it.  Here's to Monday, March 5th, the night we officially canned our potential romance.  This is some of the rock candy he brought me back from Georgia.  He got me a sweet Savannah key chain too, my favorite city in all America.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 104

The Happy: Sunday Birthday Dinner at Uncle Sam and Aunt Tammy's

Favorite birthday card
 We had lasagna and cake, a birthday song that went something like "Happy birthday....women are dying, children are crying, people are picking their scabs, but happy birthday," and Blue Bell ice cream.

Moment of the night:
Uncle Sam: Let's play Who Knows Juliet Best? I'll go first, who is Juliet's favorite uncle? (points to self)
Chelsea: Probably Doug, he bought her a car.  What can you do, make some lasagna?

All in all, it was a great success of a Sunday Dinner.

Love, Happy Girl

March 4, 2012

Day 103

The Happy: Birthday Dinner

Goodwood, then Farr's with Lyss and Zacky.  I broke my phone.
freak face picture
 It was still a good night though.  I went over to Jon's after and watched some crappy movie, eventually replaced with Never Say Never, another crappy movie.  But I got to get lots of talking out of my system, so it was really fun.  I love great friends.

Love, Happy Girl

March 2, 2012

Day 102

The Happy: My correct use of the term "literally" in my FB status, circled below in red
This is so exciting to me because I have a bad habit of saying things like "I literally DIED.  LI-TER-AL-LY."
For once I used it, and I used it right.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 101

The Happy: My birthday!

March 1st, 1990
Assuming 11:02 AM b/c that's when my mom texted me "Happy birthday RIGHT NOW!"

It was the happiest day, I felt so loved and lucky!  All of my best friends were there (with the exception of Dana, Nikki, and Blair, just because they don't live in Provo).  So many people I adore came. Everyone was great to me and I loved having them.  My entire King Henry clan was there, my roommates were AMAZING at helping everything run smoothly - seriously so grateful to Katie and Kate, it meant so much to me all the help they gave - I got a freaking batman piƱata, Crystal brought baby Savannah, and we had dino nuggets!

Some highlights from this most special evening

My niece Savannah

Bests! Savvy, Stal and Lo

Mimi Spice and Juju Spice

 King Henry 303 Roommates
Laur, Lisette, Cho

Handro and Lancey!  My Uno boys

 This is Ken, the Canadian.  He plays rugby and makes me laugh.



 The Guinnifers.  I'm sad because they ditched me to go get married.

Jam sesh with Lyss

Statement socks. Property of McKenzie.

Birthday smooches

I wished for more money.

oh my gosh EVAN!!!  He approved the cake!

 The saucy Kate Magleby

Love, Happy Girl