March 21, 2012

Day 119

The Happy: I got a compliment.

The Media Center on campus has a "take a compliment" bowl with strips of paper in it.  I grabbed one for myself and Brandon, my peer (my brutally attractive peer that was studying next to me).
I'll probably never meet him again - I knew that.  I still thought he deserved a compliment.  
He was dead handsome, from Bountiful, worked at his cousin's longboard shop, and had a mohawk.

Brandon's compliment: "You dazzle those with whom you come in contact."

My compliment: "You have nice sideburns."
Yes I do.

It was nice meeting ya Brandon.  I forgive you for being utterly uninterested in the fact that I was interested in you, because you were just that gorgeous.

Love, Happy Girl

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