March 9, 2012

Day 108

The Happy: Iggy's with Marissa and Jon

After tests were taken and all that jazz, I got hungry, so I begged Fish to eat toast with me for dinner because I needed human interaction, but he decided we should go to Iggy's instead.  We shared a coupon because we're cheap.  Marissa is a dime and covered the tip.
The three of us decided we like us having dinner together and want to do more of it, so you'll probably see some of their pretty faces on here.
I remain unembarrassed to ask any waitress if I can have more bread in addition to the bread she is already setting at our table.  My aloha burger was the kick butt, but next time I'm bringing my own cheese so I don't have to pay an extra dollar for one slice.

Love, Happy Girl

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