March 9, 2012

Day 109


This is the sweatshirt I sewed for class that I got a C on yesterday.
I actually deserved it.  The pockets look like crap and I didn't even bother to edge finish half the seams.
Notice the hoody strings.  I was wearing my cousin's sweatshirt as I was assembling this one and realized I didn't have anything to go through the hood buttonholes, so I pulled out the string from Zack's, put it in this, and turned it in.

Love, Happy Girl


Crystal said...

I AM LOVING ALL YOUR HAPPYS! Keep it up. btw you are hot. btw I love seeing my baby in your posts. Seems like she is the cause of alot of your happy ;) she will do that to ya.

N said...

I just really like the fact that you got a C on your sewing project. A C for C-R-E-A-T-I-V-E!