April 25, 2012

Day 155

The Happy: Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky has officially stolen the 2nd place red ribbon for cities I'd most like to marry and have babies with (Savannah, Georgia in 1st).  We also went to Keenland to see the horses and racing track.  I love how everything in Kentucky incorporates horses - even the street signs.  We found Bella Rose, too - a boutique full of Kentucky Derby hats, amazing designers, sundresses, and everything preppy south.



We stopped at Ramsey's for dinna. She had the Cajun Catfish and I, supersaturated fat.  A Hot Brown is essentially an open faced sammich topped with turkey and ham, topped with gravy, topped with tomatoes, topped with Parmesan, topped with the cheese requisite to fill a sleeping bag, unnecessarily garnished with strips of bacon.

Kentucky was perfect.  That is all.

Love, Happy Girl

(we stopped in West Virginia, too...)

WV in a picture:
"Miss Nude US."

...Unrelated, but my mom just suggested I join PPBP (PenPals Behind Bars).

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