April 4, 2012

Day 134

The Happy: Got to Wendy's in Orem at 12:07 and they still fed me even though they closed at midnight.

Do you know what quality is?  Quality is feeding the food at the promised hours.  Quality is not revamping your drive-thru and therefore closing it early, like Provo did...Provo, which is normally open til 2 AM.  You cannot stand on a platform with the stance that people who eat straight up plastic meat care for the aesthetics of the place which administers the plastic.
 Saying you're open til 2, and then not being open, is lying.
Last night, Orem put Provo to shame.  Quality wasn't just feeding the food at the promised hours.  Quality was feeding the food BEYOND the promised hours.  I even meant it when I told the lady to have a good night.
Obviously, it was chicken caesar wraps again.  One for me and two for P.Hud, my Wendy's excursionist partner.  They're incredible. 

Love, Happy Ragazza

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