April 17, 2012

Day 144

The Happy: Dinner with Alyzzard and Breck
Friday the 13th. Another one.

I also went to this guy's birthday party later that night, which was fun, and I had blueish frosting cake (I love blueish frosting cake) but the big moment of the night was when I was talking to one of the party animals about my major, which led to a philosophic moment that went something like zis:
You know when you do something a lot, and it annoys you about yourself every time, but you can't stop?
That's how I feel.
The words "I'm an English major" escape my lips so frequently that I can't help but to loathe my mouth every time it happens, because I fear people will think that I think that I'm so cool because of it (when in reality my intention is usually to bring to the attention of others how absurd it is when I make grammatical errors worthy of being beheaded, given what I spend all my time studying.  Like writing "its' " or "althoughs" as opposed to "all those."  I mean I'm talking REALLY big no-nos).
And I was kind of just like....yea.  I need to have something cooler about me that's not "My mom dated Pee-Wee Herman's brother," which is actually true FYI.

 By the way, neither my major nor my Herman-dating mom is the coolest thing about me.  The coolest thing about me is that I can do the splits.

Love, Happy Girl

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