The Happy: Sleepover with Blife (FAMOUS PEOPLE CAME OVER)
Blife got her feet cut off. She is confined to a wheelchair ("you mean Black Beauty?").
I felt it was my duty to sleep over.
We watched Overboard, reaffirming my decision to name my daughter after Goldie Hawn.
I also made Gracie come with me to Walmart to get puff pastry and these awesome bubbles. We made Brie En Croute and read Coco Chanel books with Mama Beecroft.
Loving on Grace.
And then......
ROBERT AND THE CARROLLS CAME OVER! They performed for Blythe to make her feel better.
"I feel like I'm a patient asking the Make a Wish Foundation to let me meet Justin Bieber before the cancer takes me..."
They were awesome. They even played Call Me Maybe for us. Buy their stuff on iTunes.
I came up the basement stairs to find Blythe sweeping the kitchen floor. In a wheelchair.
Love, Happy Girl