May 13, 2012

Day 173

The Happy: My favorite flowers are blooming, and here to stay for at least half an hour.
In a perfect world, Peonies would remain alive much longer.

Tonight, I said a bad word.
Just kidding.
Tonight, I said several bad words.  This is why:
 You are so positively ugly, Marigold.
She's under a cup right now :)
My mom is as anti-bug-killing as she is a Republican, and I don't want to disappoint her, especially because it's Mother's Day tomorrow, so the centipede is still intact.

Ethan, on the other hand, could not care less about Marigold.
There's a 100% chance that he is going to wake up before me as it is 3 AM and I am up sewing slipcovers for Liz.  Ethan will see Fugly Von Fuglystein wriggling in my sacrificed water glass, "take care" of her, and by Sunday I won't even remember she existed.  Can we sayyyy perfect?

After cruising tonight through Downtown Abbey, Doc Martin, Gossip Girl, and Anne Frank (the TV series?) I've finally settled on The Kennedy's.  We'll see if I like it.  Some show about America's Front Page Family.  I don't really know, or care, about the Kennedys.  I just want to see if Jackie's wearing anything cool.

Love, Happy Girl

*Hello.  Juliet here, and it's the morning after.  I would just like to report that while I did not forget about Marigold, she is gone.  Ethan must have done something with her.  What an insensitive human being, she was so tiny.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That bug is seriously Disgusting!!! euwww some things are just meant to be killed.