January 31, 2012

Day 70

The Happy: Taco insanity

No picture, but the memory lives on.
280 of them!

Love, Happy Girl

January 29, 2012

Day 69

The Happy:  Favorite blogger ever
Amber Fillerup.
Link to her blog: Barefoot Blonde.

Do I know her personally?  No, I don't.  I've never met her in my life.
But she is a die hard romantic who says exactly what everyone wants to say but never actually does (and in that particular way, she is me times a million, which explains why I love her blog).  Ms. Fillerup is also hilarious, real, and the eff if she isn't a right beauty queen.  She's the kind of girl I have the funnest time reading about, because jealous people hate her and with-it people appreciate her, as all should.
In the next life, if we choose our best friends, I'm going to pick her to be one of mine.
Also, as someone who is dealing with the suckages of finally admitting my 3-year-long relationship with a guy I was in love with and dying to spend the rest of my life with is as dead as dead gets (and has been for months, but now I'm mentally able to accept the fact that he's sort-of-dating another girl), Amber's blog is somehow the exact dosage of whatever it is I need right now.  I don't want to complain out loud, because it's not really a problem.  It's just one of those things where you don't want the person so much as you want them to not want somebody else, and in a way you almost feel betrayed...I mean come on, 3 years?  That's a long time to give to somebody when you're in college.  Obviously, he's learned a lot from our relationship (dos and don'ts) and likes a new girl who he can be fresh and happy with because with her does not come the baggage that 3 years holds.  And yea, I totally feel like Miss Won't Say Her Name Publicly (because that's not classy...like any of this is, haha) gets to now enjoy something great, something new and improved, something she had absolutely no hand in helping bring about.  But you know what?  I can't care.  Because like I said, it's not the person I want.  It's the wanting of him to not want another.  And that's unrealistic (which is why I like Amber's blog, it's soooo real).  There isn't a day I don't pray for the ability to stop wanting every last little bit of him.  Today I woke up and realized I'm nearly there, so I feel AWSHUM.
But Amber, your blog helps.  A lot.  Thanks for being real, girlfriend.

Love, Happy Girl

P.S. I want to move to NYC sooooooooooooo badly!  More on this later!  Readers, I love you!

January 28, 2012

Day 68

The Happy: Cabbage Head
Did I buy the biggest one you've ever seen, or did I buy the biggest one you've ever seen?

Mental Vomit Time
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of enjoying an assortment of flirtatious text messages between myself and one of my more attractive friends from home, during which he mentioned that he lives in the "real world," which was another way of saying I don't.  No I wasn't offended - A) he's gorgeous, B) he buys me nice things, and C) he's right.  P-town suffers a serious case of Feels-Like-A-Disney-Movie.  I'm not saying it's bad.  I'm not even saying I'm sick of it.  I'm just saying that it does.  I overheard a (married) 19-year-old the other day talking about how she just wanted to get done with her degree already (for a major she hates) and have kids to avoid getting a job.  Be 19.  Have kids.  Fine.  But don't have kids to avoid doing something else, and if you do, don't tell people.  It makes me feel uncomfortable.  I would have vocalized my discontent.  It's just that I didn't really know her and stuff, so...

Ariel, I'm asking - you're a 16-year-old mermaid, it is implied that you aren't exactly well-versed in realistic relationships (considering those you hold with various "dinglehoppers" and so forth), aiming for a pair great legs (aren't we all?) for the purpose of marrying Prince Eric, the man of the hour (litearlly...or almost literally, she's only known him for a few). What if it doesn't work out?
I'll make it work out.
Oh, good.

Love, Happy Girl

P.S. All 4 of my closest girlfriends got married when they were 20 or 21. They are with fabulous people that are perfect for them, and I couldn't be any happier. Have a good evening, Disneytown.

Day 67

The Happy: Cinnamon Roll Making
Yea right like I made them from scratch.  That was for back when I had a boyfriend.
And I didn't even do it then.
Pillsbury baby (wait no, Kroger brand...Pillsbury knock-off.  Homemade maple glaze,
that's what matters.  That, and that they're smothered in it.).

I really want to try these: Fastest Cinnamon Rolls
They don't require yeast.  I hate waiting, so this is good.

Love, Happy Girl

January 26, 2012

Day 66

The Happy: Italian
This went from being my most hated class to the only one I can't wait to study for.
Some way.  Somehow.  I'm in love with Italy.

Love, Happy Girl

January 25, 2012

Day 65

The Happy:  Sour Jacket
We're coming up on our one year anniversary,
this coat and I.
 P.S. It's reversible.


January 24, 2012

Day 64

The Happy: I have clothes
But granted, they are all in the wash (which I hate doing), hence, the dreaded 
Abercrombie & Fitch t-shirt remains.  I'm gonna have to chuck it pretty soon.
I guess.  I just need to be more grateful for the small things.

Love, Happy Girl

seriously.  i can't believe i wore this.  oy.

January 23, 2012

Day 63

The Happy: My dad
My dad passed away a long time ago, but he was all of this and more,
and I'm so grateful to have such a legacy to live up to.
Right now I would like my dad.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 62

The Happy: Dry Shampoo Spray

TRESemme and Suave both have one.
It's not a want.  It's a need.
And it works like a charm.

Love, Happy Girl

January 21, 2012

Day 61

The Happy: Be green with envy, because my friends are the best
Blair's sleeping over tonight (asian)

Love, Happy Girl

Day 60

The Happy: Getting into my comfy white bed
Early.  Meaning not 1.
That's early for Friday.
I hope the party upstairs is having fun, I truly do.  But for some reason it's just not my scene.

Love, Happy Girl

January 19, 2012

Day 59

The Happy: I finally, finally, FINALLY cleaned my room.
I will never go back to the dark side again.
I'm all about thumbs up these days, it's kind of stupid and I need to quit it.
Mom I miss you, if you're reading this.

Love, Happy Girl

January 18, 2012

Day 58

The Happy: Chicken Ensalada
Saute thin chicken strips with tons of Adobo seasoning and get it really black on the outside.
 Almost tasted like a man cooked it.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 57

The Happy: Becca Carver 
 BecBoo, you are the only chick I ever tell my brother I want him to date.
I miss when you were adorable and 7 and would come cuddle on the couch with me.
Now you're a sophomore and boys think you're hot, it's weird.

Love, Happy Girl

January 17, 2012

Day 56

The Happy: My UO duvet
go get 'em.

Love, Happy Girl

P.S. A friend of mine once told me he liked that I was optimistic.  Thank you for telling me that, because in no way was I, but I liked hearing it so much that I decided to become more so.  What do we learn from this?  When you want someone to perform a behavior that they are not doing so hot in, lie and tell them they do it anyways. Example: Ethan, I love the way you always choose spending time with me over Xbox.

January 15, 2012

Day 55

The Happy: Things Mormon Girls Say

By Chels and Elisabeth!
Watch it.

Love, Happy Girl

January 14, 2012

Day 54

The Happy: My Savannah girl
Perfect little one.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 53

The Happy: Sleepover with Stal
Beach sheets are the best thing I've ever slept on.  And I've slept on a lot of things.
Including a bathroom floor. 
No I wasn't under the influence, but all the same it was pretty rotten.

Love, Happy Girl

January 12, 2012

Day 52

The Happy: Kate.
You truly are one of the best friends I've ever had.
Random roommate success.
You are so gorgeous - you're great on the inside too, but on the outside, you're a hot piece of YES.
I like sharing clothes, eggs, blankets, and being each others moms when necessary.
Thanks for not freaking out when I sleep in your bed.  It smells nicer.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 51

The Happy: Cut that thang.

Love yall, Happy Girl

P.S. Zacky and Mase, I love ya.  Thanks for throwing rocks at my window tonight.
P.P.S. Hayley at Amara Day Spa did my cut and highlights!  She's awesome, has such a good eye and is incredibly down to earth!  Def gets a 10.

January 10, 2012

Day 50

The Happy: Ice Cream Tradition with Tawn Tawn and Meg
Wish you were there too Mika

Love, Happy Girl

January 9, 2012

Day 49

The Happy: Time for Blonde
I'm getting highlights again. This time, super blonde lights.
 Thanks for the inspiration, M.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 48

The Happy: Little Mermaid with the roomies
Emilee: I want to be a red hed
Jules: I want her boobs
Katie B: She over-waxes her eyebrows
Kate: Eric.  Yeaaa sexy love

Love, Happy Girl

January 8, 2012

Day 47

The Happy: Terrorist Cards
Ace of Spades
(other key player...5 of hearts. unexpectedish)

Love, Happy Girl

January 6, 2012

Day 46

The Happy: Fiesta with my pretty girlfriends
I like ya somethin' fierce.

Love, Happy Girl

January 5, 2012

Day 45

The Happy: It's the second day of school people!!
And I am a 5 year old on Fun Dip.
I absolutely love school this semester.  Italian and sewing today.
Plus Touchy Feely (my ipod) is doing a fabulous series on the shuffle today.

Love, Happy Girl

(TaySwift and fish pillow represent)
*For those who've yet to be introduced to my fish pillow, we call him W. 
Bjorny bought and named him for me - W stands for Waste of Money.

January 4, 2012

Day 44

The Happy: Bubble Gum Ball
I knew from the moment I saw Big Rosada and realized it was 88 cent tuesdays that this was a stellar buy, and that Zacky would love it.  He did.  And happy first day of school to BYU!  My classes rock!
And I'm going to a party on Friday.  This is big for me.  A fiesta, to be specific.
Besos for hoolieta.
Played with Kate and Zack all day.  So much fun.

Love, Happy Gal

January 3, 2012

Day 43

The Happy: Found this

P.S. Lance Starling is single! My time has finally come!
jk Lancey, jk.

Day 42

The Happy: Lovin on my princess
I know everyone thinks she's ugly, but she's not.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 41

The Happy: Christina's Italiano for New Years Day dinner

The waiter kept calling me "bella."
I recommend this strategy to any boy.

Love, Happy Girl

Day 39 and 40

The Happy: I caught myself.

Apparently, I missed 2 days on my Happy Book.  I started this blog on November 22nd. 
That gives me 9 days of sometimes easy and sometimes forced happiness
in November, plus 31 for December.  31+9 = 40.  Not 38.
So you'll understand why the next post starts at Day 41.
New Years Resolution: Post each day to keep a steady track, but don't kill myself if I slip up because that interferes with my other resolution of going easier on myself.  Good.

And we move on.

To make up for two pictures lost

This was how I wrapped my present to my mom, on Christmas day, 2 minutes before she opened it, and right in front of her.  PER HER REQUEST. We recycle.  That's all you need to know.
Love, Happy Girl